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Burbidge Painting the Future Bright with New Investment

Leading UK kitchens and bathroom frontals and accessories manufacturer, Burbidge, is painting the future bright, with its latest £300,000 machinery investment, commissioned to help the company increase its output of painted designs.

The Coventry based business, which this year celebrates 150 years of success in manufacturing within the city, has installed a new painting facility into its Awson Street factory, where it produces all its timber ranges.

Traditionally carrying out large scale production of a few paint colours, alongside its finest natural oak and superior quality laminate ranges, Burbidge has seen an ever-increasing demand for bespoke and painted-to-order kitchens.

Whilst already specialising in bespoke services, these products have all previously been hand-sprayed. The new machinery will allow Burbidge to increase its production of small batches of painted product in any of its popular colours faster than it could produce them by hand, but with the same high quality finish. It will also reduce downtime between paint colour changes, meaning much leaner working practises overall.

As a result, this will also free up more time for Burbidge paint technicians to expand their current skills and apply their expertise to other areas of the business, helping to increase manufacturing capabilities for future production.

Burbidge managing director Ben Burbidge commented: “Innovation is key to a successful business, which is why at Burbidge we have always placed a huge emphasis on continually working to evolve the way we design, create and deliver the quality products that our customers desire.

“This investment in new machinery for our painted ranges and new product developments is significant and, in our 150th year, will mark a new era for the business as we work hard to meet customer demand and a constantly changing landscape in the world of interiors. We’re very excited about the future.”

Burbidge currently has ten painted Burbidge Kitchen ranges, plus three further ranges in its ‘Simply Burbidge’ collection, available in a palette of 25 colours as standard across most products. It also offers a bespoke painting service for customers who wish to put their own unique stamp onto the finish of their new kitchen and, to mark its 150th anniversary, has recently introduced a five-colour limited edition 150th Anniversary palette.

Innovation is key to a successful business …

Ben Burbidge, Managing Director, Burbidge